
Welcome to A Deeper State.

Our purpose is to share with you, the reader, some interesting insight and out of the box thinking about issues like addiction, mental health, domestic violence and abuse, what spirituality is and is not, healthy boundary setting, ridding yourself of toxic people and toxic shame, psychological trauma and much more.

The goal is to empower you to overcome and perhaps finally release yourself from the chains that bind and hold you, your loved ones, family and anyone close to you hostage. If you want to change, to get well, to move on and experience something new, you may find it here.

The information on this site is based on a long career of counseling and therapy with individuals and groups experiencing these and other common and not so common problems. It is also rooted in my own journey as a recovering addict for many decades. Weaving these two experiences together over most of my adult life has resulted in a unique, and sometimes highly personal vantage point.

We will also offer guest editorials and interviews with advocates, therapists, and other workers who will share their unique perspectives and collective experiences working with diverse populations in their respective fields.

As you peruse the site, and if you feel inclined, we encourage you to write us and share your own difficulties and experiences. Any inquiries or requests for help will be kept strictly confidential and your anonymity will be protected at all times. We will do everything we can to provide whatever assistance we can in helping you find solutions that work for you, including direct one-on-one interaction and if appropriate, referrals to qualified professionals and agencies in your area. This will always be provided free of charge and is just one way for us to continue giving, helping and loving. We invite you to contact us directly at our email address: adeeperstate@gmail.com.

If you're a professional working in the trenches encountering these problems daily, you may find some tried and unconventional methods to help your clients. We've been there and know that sometimes the textbook doesn't apply. We get it and we've been just as frustrated at times.

You may find these insights helpful, thoughtful, provocative, disturbing, or enlightening. They may stir up long hidden torments or release a torrent of change that can cause profound and necessary change in your life. What you read and how you react may be uncomfortable and scary. This is healthy and intentional. Becoming "unstuck" is the first and most important step to sanity and releasing yourself from the chains that cause you to keep ending up in the same place no matter what you do, where you go, who you associate with or what you see when you look in the mirror.

The road to wellness is a long journey with winding, twisting turns and an unpredictable outcome. It is not for the faint of heart. Profound change can occur in an instant or over weeks, months or years. Uncovering a long hidden secret affecting every area of your life can also unmask other, deeper fear or pain or abandonment. A journey on that road requires commitment from both you and, if present, your therapist or counselor or best friend or family. Often it may involve all of these. It's not easy.

But you are here! That means despite your suffering or hurt or confusion, you want to know, to learn, and most importantly to change. You've already met the most important requirement. The speed at which you move is entirely up to you - and you will always be in charge of you. 

We wish you the best and hope that what you encounter here will help you reach the place all of that change needs to happen ... A Deeper State. What that term means will reveal itself as you explore, but for now, we're just glad you're here. Read, relax, and jump out of the box. We welcome you.

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